5 crowdfunding platforms for social impact projects

Projects that promote social entrepreneurship aim to raise awareness and contribute to changing the future. Those who are part of the movement are trying to achieve a shift in focus, a change in people’s priorities where collaboration and support come before sales and pushing out competition.

All of us in the movement had to begin somewhere too, which is why we understand that, as entrepreneurs, we not only face the challenge of developing a sustainable project that reflects our values, but that we also need to fund it. Social entrepreneurship attracts investors looking not only for financial returns but also for the opportunity to make a difference.

This is why, today, we will be focusing on crowdfunding, an approach to raising capital that is effective, simple and collaborative. Crowdfunding can be defined as a joint investment made by a group of people who believe in the success of the project to the same extent as the entrepreneur.

The various types of crowdfunding differ according to project, project objectives, stage of development and type of investment. For this article, we put together a list of five crowdfunding platforms that promote social entrepreneurship.

  1. Bolsa Social – A platform that brings together entrepreneurs and social investors. It promotes ethical investing into businesses in the development stage, whilst seeking to contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals through businesses that make a positive impact.
  2. Verkami – For cultural projects. This young business is passionate about the art world and is managed by the pioneers of crowdfunding in Europe. Its main objective is for users to experience crowdfunding in a reliable, committed and positive environment.
  3. Teaming – This is a very intuitive website that lets users finance a project of their choice for €1 per month. Designed for use by both entrepreneurs and investors, the Teaming community consists of companies, universities as well as individuals. So far, they have raised more than €12 million.
  4. Namlebee – Even the most extraordinary projects can find a source of collaborative funding. Whether you are planning to produce a documentary about threatened activists, conducting historical research, or have a socio-cultural plan that will breathe life back into an old building, this platform makes any and all ideas possible.
  5. Indiegogo A reward-based crowdfunding platform that supports small businesses and business initiatives, allowing users to publicise their campaign before fundraising begins and to continue promoting the product once the original campaign is over.

Through the information provided in this article we would like to offer all social entrepreneurs an opportunity. We hope it helps!

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