Efecto Colibrí: A Year of Impact and Growth Beating Strong

2024 – Efecto Colibrí Beating Strong

Ana Amrein, Founder Efecto Colibrí

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Dear Hummingbirds,

2024 has been a year of impact and growth for Efecto Colibrí — a transformational year. I am Ana Amrein Esnaola, the founder of Efecto Colibrí. In this final episode of the year for Proyecto Co, I want to take a moment to thank you for your support, presence, and commitment. It is what keeps us alive and motivated to keep creating and beating strong.  The child enters adolescence. We are becoming more independent, choosing to trust in the positive potential of humanity, and our voice is growing stronger.

This year has been marked by unforgettable moments:

  • We amplified the voices of changemakers with over 80 stories that inspired thousands of listeners around the world.
    We launched new podcast series like Dear Friend, We Listen or La Salud Mental Importa, reaffirming our commitment to giving voice to essential topics.
  • We served as a loudspeaker for allies with podcasts that create impact and build new narratives, such as The Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Show by Catalyst Now Malaysia or No Quieren Que Sepas by Amnesty International. These stories are part of our commitment to speak louder and clearer for a better world.
  • With pride, we reached COP16, alongside La Junquera and EcoAgriculture Partners, to share stories that connect the power of empathy, community, and regenerative agriculture

This has been possible thanks to the power of the collective. A collective of hummingbirds who work every day to be the change we want to see.

A heartfelt thanks to our new allies: USAID, Amnistía Internacional, Visionarias, Terra da Auga, The Languages of Energy, Matia Fundazioa, Kutxa Fundazioa, Ashoka, IDG Hub Basque Country, la Coalición de Compasión Global, EcoAgriculture Partners, Catalyst Now, for trusting us and adding value, vision, and commitment to making inspiring and transformative projects a reality.

This year has been key to understanding our impact. We see that 71% of our community feels their empathy for others has increased, and 62% feel inspired to raise their voices and take positive actions. We are also proud to know that 80% of our audience considers our content to generate positive social impact.

These results reinforce our conviction that the stories we tell (and tell ourselves) can transform realities.

None of this would have been possible without the amazing Efecto Colibrí team, which grows and strengthens with each flutter, each story told, and each action taken. This team is the heart of our mission, and none of this would be possible without their dedication, creativity, and passion.

Thanks to the Social Tides program driven by Cisco and Google.org, we are now an adolescent, ready to change the world. Their support has been crucial in our evolution.

We look toward 2025 with excitement and commitment. Adolescence is the time to dare, to dream bigger, and to act more boldly. New stories, partnerships, and projects await us to continue strengthening our voice and the voices of those fighting for a more diverse, just, and regenerative world.

If you are driving change through new narratives or know people who are, reach out to us. We’d love to do it with you.

We wish you a 2025 full of reasons to believe, act, and love. Change has only just begun. Thank you for being here, thank you for being you, thank you for being a hummingbird.

Warm regards!

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