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Things change. The environment transforms. We evolve when we adapt to the environment. It’s something simple to recognize and becomes clear when you observe nature. This is precisely what Lucy did. She spent much of her life as an entrepreneur. When she realized that more and more children were coming to beg for food at her restaurant, she decided to stop and observe.
Molo is a town located in the Rift Valley in Kenya. It’s a place of diversity, where 42 tribes live together. Over time, Molo became a battleground for ethnic conflicts, leaving orphans without food or education. Lucy stopped, looked and found. She decided to let go of her businesses and get involved with what her environment was asking of her. Today, along with her husband, she is the founder of Chazon Africa, an organization that educates, protects, and empowers the children of Molo.
In this episode, listeners will hear about Lucy’s inspiring journey:
Project Co welcomes Lucy, sharing her story and the incredible work she is doing through Chazon Africa. For more information, visit Chazon Africa.
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