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One of the extra benefits of The Break program is that there is a digital platform called The Circle, with the purpose to further connect the fellows and build a stronger network of women entrepreneurs.
At some point the break program will be finalized and this digital platform will remain. In this episode of The Break Podcast Sonia, Julia and Julie Ann discuss the benefits of having this online community, what it has done so far for them and how the community can utilize this platform in the future.
They will also talk about their projects, what collaboration and support from The Break community has brought them already and how the lifelong friendships that have come out of this experience will sustain their personal and professional lives.
Participants on this episode:
Julia Bonsignore Pesci: InkuA –With InkuA, people from around the world can work on positive social impact projects while growing professionally. Our goal is to solve youth unemployment and the lack of resources small nonprofits face.
Sonia Cruz Oro: Travel Awakens – In a world where tourism often remains superficial, Sonia believes that travel can be a catalyst for self-discovery and personal growth. Travel Awakens help people to restore their sense of wonder and appreciation for the places they visit, while discovering a new, more authentic version of themselves.
Julie-Ann Sherlock: Metaverse Content Lab – As a boutique content agency focusing on eco-friendly and sustainable companies, the Metaverse Content Lab marries unique, bespoke written content with the needs of the modern world.
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