Positive thinking increases your wellbeing and productivity

The way in which we face our fears and make decisions is directly linked to how we think, feel and act. At Efecto Colibrí, we call this connection the effect of thought. The link can be destructive or productive, depending on whether we are able to gain control over our thoughts.

Either negative thoughts – negative feelings – destructive actions or positive thoughts – positive feelings – productive actions.

The effect of thought is linked directly to the mental barriers we construct as individuals and it affects all areas of our lives – work, family, as well as friends.

The key piece of information to take away here is that everything begins with the thoughts in our head. So let us now shift our focus to the world of the mind, and more specifically, to positive psychology.

90 percent of your long-term happiness is predicted […] by the way your brain processes the [external] world.  (Shawn Anchor)

This is a well-known fact among the successful. The great actors and athletes of our world know what a powerful tool thought can be. “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” (Henry Ford)

Quantum physics has proven that our thoughts affect and shape the reality each of us lives in, that people who think positively are healthier, more productive, more attractive and more fulfilled.

It just so happens that changing the direction of your thoughts is much easier than you might think. The brain must repeat a behaviour for 21 days to make it a habit and for it to become natural.

So, simply take 5 minutes a day for a period of 21 days to write down a positive experience you have had during that day.

This could be something along the lines of the following:

  • This morning, I went to the supermarket on foot. I had my earphones in and the music was turned right up. On my way home, I concentrated only on the music and let it flood through me. Suddenly, I realised that I was dancing, right there on the street. I felt like I had become one with myself, I felt weightless and free.
  • Whilst you are writing, relive that moment of happiness. This makes your brain focus on a positive event that has happened during that day and, by repeating this activity for 21 days, you are training your brain to think positively.

The result will be a change in mentality.

Remember that only you have the power to change the direction of your thoughts. All you have to do is harness it.

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