The 5 most inspiring quotes on Social Innovation in 2020

This year we made several podcasts and articles intending to bring social innovation to more and more people. We gave voice to many social and environmental projects, we provided tools to boost inner work to shape social change, and we also create content on alliances and how to grow “with” others. 

In this article, we share the best quotes from professionals we had the chance to interview this year. Reading it will also give you an idea about the ecosystem trends. 

1. “Meeting a very diverse group of people is hugely beneficial from an innovation perspective. Innovation is about diversity and bringing different skills toward the same place.”

Maria Zubeldia, from Oxford University

2. “Let us raise the discourse towards systemic change. Let’s not only ask how profitable you are but also what systemic change you contribute to.”

 Linda Peia, from Ashoka

3. “Technology is never neutral. It is always biased. We have to think about technology for the people, and not using people like a cheap resource.”

Gemma Galdón, from Eticas Consulting

4. “Social entrepreneurs bring so much passion, but you can’t sustain that kind of passion over years and years without refueling.”

Anika Horn, from Social Venturers

5. “We can live simply within certain basic needs. These basics include rest and silence, something we rarely have.”

Fabiana Fondevila

We invite you to follow these specialists, to become familiar with their work and the organizations in which they collaborate, to continue exploring this exciting world of positive impact.

To be changemakers, it is necessary that each of us, from our respective roles and activities, inform ourselves, and make increasingly conscious decisions that put people and the planet at the center of everything.

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